ProCare student Sign-in/out

CDS use ProCare Connect (formerly Kinderlime) for student sign-in/out and health check form.

Please find the information below on how to use ProCare:

  • Please make sure to come early to provide enough time when dropping off/picking up your child
  • Make sure you have an account with ProCare (formerly Kinderlime) 
    • Sign-up instructions HERE
  • Have the ProCare Connect App ready and logged in as a parent
    • Compatible mobile device & app download info HERE
  • Follow these instructions for Sign-in/Sign-out using:

If you already have the ProCare App and forgot your login info, please follow the instruction below on how to reset your ProCare password:

1. Open ProCare App and click login on the bottom of the page

2. If you already have an account in Kinderlime/ProCare and forgot your password, please reset your password (see pic below)

Contact TECHDEPT@CDS-SF.ORG if you have any problems with your ProCare account.