Lexia Core5 Reading is used by CDS Kindergarten, 1st and 2nd grade students.
Starting Out In Lexia:
- Open the Lexia Core5 app or go to lexiacore5.com//register when first logging in via a browser
- Students must log-in daily with full Google email and password*
- After first log-in students are prompted to enter their teacher’s email
- Students will be prompted to verify their name
- First time users are also asked to complete the Auto Placement. Note: Placement takes approx. 10-20-minutes to complete. It’s important that students have good audio quality (ideally, using headphones) or by working in a quiet area free of distractions
- Please note that for most students Lexia is designed to be used for no more than approximately 15-minutes each day. Students are logged out after 15-20 minutes of use.
* Families, find your child’s Google log-in credentials on the CDS website in the MyCDS section, by tapping on the Student Forms Online orange button. View this short video to see how!
More about the student experience of Lexia:
- Based on Auto Placement scores students are placed at or above grade in Levels 1-21. (Note: Students never know what “grade level” they’re at, only what “Level #” they’re at.)
- Lexia content is labeled and organized in the following descending order: 1. Levels, 2. Activities, 3. Units, and 4. Items
- As students begin a Level they choose from 1 of 2 warm-up videos that review concepts in their last Level
- As students begin a new Level they see a dashboard with four details: 1. Current Level; 2. Usage Goal (in minutes); 3. Minutes Worked thus far; and, 4. number of Units Completed.
- Inside each Level are six kinds of Activities represented by colored circles on screen: 1. phonological awareness; 2. phonics; 3. vocabulary; 4. comprehension; 5. structural analysis, and, 6. fluency. Students can choose to pursue these in any order but will have to complete all prior to advancing to the next Level
- As students complete Activities they earn skill badges and are shown brief “reward animations”
- Colored on-screen indicators show how students are progressing: blue is for Guided Practice step; yellow for Instruction Step; green for Standard Step.
- Key on-screen navigation buttons include: Repeat, Volume, Directions and Exit
For more information and support please view Lexia’s family support guide.