Wondering where to read eBooks and listen to
What is Sora by Overdrive?
An app and website where students and families access electronic reading and listening. CDS has access to an Overdrive library shared with various independent schools in the Bay Area.
What about San Francisco Public Library content?
Access SFPL’s Overdrive content using the Sora or Libby apps thanks to a partnership through SFPL Scholar Card
Can’t I just use Libby for SFPL content?
- You can! However, we highly recommend you access SFPL’s library through Sora
Sora automatically sets access levels for juvenile (ECP – 6th grade) and young adult (7-8 grade) content, making it easier to browse books at your level of interest - It also means you don’t have to switch between apps to view SFPL’s collection
- It’s a kid-friendly version of Libby, with achievement badges gained the more you read
A tutorial video of the instructions below is available here.
If using a web browser sign in using this link
& skip to step 4.

4. Login Information: Type in your username. No password required.
Username = [student first name
- Middle School Students: your username is the same as your email address + graduation year.
- Need help? If you’re having trouble logging in, email All School Librarian Cristal Fiel at .
Explore the collection:
Check out a book. Gain badges the more you read.
- Click on the menu icon at the top right
- Click add a public library
- Search for San Francisco Public Library
- Click on SF to automatically access SFPL Overdrive content
- To check out a book from SFPL, sign in to your SFPL account at checkout.
- Use your SFPL Scholar Card information to sign in. If you need this, contact All School Librarian Cristal Fiel at .
- If you have changed your pin since receiving your Scholar Card and you can’t remember it, contact SFPL staff to reset it.
- Once signed-
in you can automatically check out the book or place a hold.
Happy Exploring! Happy Reading!
For privacy info, please see OverDrive Privacy Policy.